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Christ Attitude Is Loving

Christ Attitude Is Loving

Christ attitude is loving responsible integrations level. I will be breaking down each of those characteristics and separate belongs indeed each one of them pertain to a particular lens that you use to perceive others.

 I will start by highlighting that Jesus attitude was loving. The scripture teaches us that love is kind, honors others and speaks the truth. 1 Corinthians 13:4 “love is patient love is kind…”

 Jesus honored others in his communication. we often notice how he addressed others by their names as a way of honoring them. He answered their invitations and visited them in their houses. Luke 19: 3-5 was trying to see who Jesus was and was unable because of the crowd for he was in stature. Verse 5 Jesus told him: I must stay in your house”.

 Jesus’s attitude was gentle.  He paused what he was doing in order to listen and heal. Mark 10:51 “and answering him Jesus said what do you want me to do for you? and the blind man said to him: Rabboni, I want to regain my sight.” As Jesus provided for the hungry and healed the sick, His manners were oozing kindness. Jesus did not bully others as he taught, fed and them and heal the crowds.

 Love honest and Jesus was emotionally honest. When Jesus showed kindness on the outside, it is because He is hundred percent kind on the inside. Jesus is a paragon of emotional honesty.

 finally love is patient, and Jesus attitude was patient. In no way, we read about Him being too hurried to teach or heal someone. Jesus understood clearly that people are more important than things. He, eventually, demonstrated his endless lobe for people by dying for them and forgiving them.

 To day, it is my invitation for you to reflect on your attitude, as you provide, and interact with others.

 May your attitude mirrors that of Jesus. Amen

About me

I am a doctor and an overcomer. I prevailed over emotional immaturity and brokenness. I believe in the power of relationships with God and trustworthy others, to experience growth, healing and maturity.
A relationship is a two-way interaction. Each party bears responsibility for his own intention and attitude. We ought to conduct ourselves through a Christ like attitude. For then, our interactions become the salt and light for others.

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