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My book Re-relate released

My book Re-relate released

Have you cared for someone but were not sure how to convey your affection?. Or maybe you’re looking for a path to deepen in your current relationship. Have recurring conflict with your partner stirred frustration and turned burning love into lukewarm interactions. I have been there . I get it. In new released Book Re-relate, I examine the importance of attitude in intimacy, listening, and settling differences. Being a doctor, i value giving information clearly. That is why in “Re-relate”, I use the metaphor of relational lenses to examine the lines of freedom, responsibility, and levelness. Relating through distorted lenses will ignite conflict and diminish hearing and trespass on partners freedom and responsibility. It diminishes listening and dialogue. It eventually ignites conflicts and sink the relationship under the increasing loads of unmet needs. The effects of distorted lenses is far reaching; they cause their bearer to relate wrongfully to God. He or she may expect God to invade their own boundaries and coherce them to obey .at times, they believe falsely that God had abandoned them , when the fell short of righteousness and integrity. In my book, I make the case for renewing our lenses so we can Re-relate to others honorably, responsibly and graciously. Shedding our old lenses is not automatic, it is deliberate work of storing love and accepting feedback from God and trustworthy saints around us time. Abundance of time is often needed. Relational growth is slow and at times painful, but it is worth every effort and it is both rewarding as vital. It elevates our relationships to levels where our needs to be known, accepted and loved. Re-relate is not just another book. it is a deep devotion filled with insight and daily life experiences. It is written in such a way that gives you daily boost of insight in a hurry. I have broken the content into small chapters, with each chapter is no more than five or six pages. This ensures that you have time for morning session with meditation or during lunch break. it’s a great source for a small group or Bible study. I did not write Re-relate to change you, for we, all are incapable of changing each other. I authored it to invite you so we can journey together. It is my hope, and prayers that you would accept my invitation, read and give you feedback to me and your loved ones. Amen.

About me

I am a doctor and an overcomer. I prevailed over emotional immaturity and brokenness. I believe in the power of relationships with God and trustworthy others, to experience growth, healing and maturity.
A relationship is a two-way interaction. Each party bears responsibility for his own intention and attitude. We ought to conduct ourselves through a Christ like attitude. For then, our interactions become the salt and light for others.

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