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Faith is Spiritual Trust

Faith is Spiritual Trust

Trust is the cornerstone of relationships. In trusting others, we have the assurance that they will do as they say, and they will say what they do. Trust is a dynamic cycle that begins with granting others limited credibility and taking risks with them. The risk can take the form of disclosing feelings, partnering with others in business or endeavor. When the trustees respond with reliability, the cycle is completed. We deepen Trust by enlarging the cycle of giving credibility and experiencing reliability.

Relating through the distinctness lens, is essential, so we can see ourselves the ones who take initiative and open our boundaries to give credibility. Trust entails the potential loss of what is being risked. That is why we need to choose trustees who have a distinct identity. They tend to respond according to their premade beliefs and values. Trust entails the potential loss of what is being risked. We need to see others through the integration lens. So, we treasure them despite the loss. We don’t want to rush to label them as untrustworthy. We need to administer grace and believe that trust can be restored. Clearly, putting on the levelness lens, is mighty important so we can afford others the time, safety and understanding they need before they can reciprocate with faithfulness. We understand that Trust is not demanded or begged. It is built on equality and mutual value.

Trustworthiness is treasured only by those who value people more than things. that Is precisely the case with God. He took a risk by loving us while we were sinners. When we accept God’s love initiative and respond by walking in love towards with others, God rejoices. HE then reciprocates and risks revealing more of Himself, and that is how, we experience his faithfulness. My friends, Faith, is a relational experience. The more we respond to God promoting, the more faith we have in HIM. Faith always prompts to love. Galatians 5:6 “in Christ Jesus, neither circumcision nor answer circumcision means anything but faith working through love”.

Few years I was doing my tax return, and my accountant pointed that I owe close to 15,000 to the IRS. I was confused even frustrated. I prayed meditated and asked for guidance from fellow believers. God revealed that I was not trusting him with my finances. I was not withholding enough taxes, hoping to keep more cash in your account. It was ironic. I owe more taxes, yet God is asking me to withhold hold taxes. But then again, God is gracious, He administered grace and I obeyed. let me tell you: since I started obeying HIM in my finances. I became more responsible financially. Eventually, I prospered financially, even got a refund. hallelujah.

Hebrews 11:6: “Without faith, it’s impossible to please him, for the one who comes to God must be believed that he exists and that he proves to be the one who rewards those who see him.” Some think wrongfully that God is being demanding here, a thousand no. He is pleased when we trust his character and not what he gives.

God is the pinnacle of trustworthiness. He is ready to give his life to back up his words. Our faith in HIM should prompt us to risk obeying HIM against our fears. HE desires for us to surrender to Him our relationships, finances, and health. We, then, shall experience Jesus’ words in Luke 12:23: “For life is more than food, and the body is more than clothing.”

In his letter, James declared in the second chapter that faith without works faith is dead. So, let’s take risks, obey God, and trust HIS faithfulness as he reshapes our earthen vessels. We will become partakers in his divine nature. True christ ambassadors. Amen.



About me

I am a doctor and an overcomer. I prevailed over emotional immaturity and brokenness. I believe in the power of relationships with God and trustworthy others, to experience growth, healing and maturity.
A relationship is a two-way interaction. Each party bears responsibility for his own intention and attitude. We ought to conduct ourselves through a Christ like attitude. For then, our interactions become the salt and light for others.

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