Overcoming Emotionally

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Staying Related

Staying Related

When the infant expresses wants and Mother responds with provision and connection. He attains a love deposit. He needs to internalize many deposits, to achieve Emotional permanence. Then he then he is loved when  is left alone. He can relate to his mother when she is  absent from his presence. 

The ability to relate is the main emotional muscle to stay connected to others in relationships. Without  achieve emotional permanence, the individual feels terror and loneliness a as soon as his or her partner departs their presence. As a result, he abandons the relationship during separation or conflicts.

Lack of emotional permanence manifest in absence of emotional stability and oscillation between fear and love.

About me

I am a doctor and an overcomer. I prevailed over emotional immaturity and brokenness. I believe in the power of relationships with God and trustworthy others, to experience growth, healing and maturity.
A relationship is a two-way interaction. Each party bears responsibility for his own intention and attitude. We ought to conduct ourselves through a Christ like attitude. For then, our interactions become the salt and light for others.

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